Welcome To Zero Foundation

ZERO FOUNDATION is a secular, non profit organization in India, Registered under Maharashtra Public Trust Act 1950
Set up in 2021, the organization works for the cause and care of disadvantaged elder persons to improve their quality of life' The ZERO FOUNDATION programs are focused on direct interventions in the areas of Free Education to Underprivileged Kids, Empowering women and girls so they can lift their entire families and communities out of poverty, Healthcare (mobile healthcare units, cataract surgeries), Free Medical Camps in Rural Areas, Disaster Relief as well as Advocacy and Awareness on rights and policies relating to elders.
All donations to ZERO FOUNDATION are eligible for 50% tax exemption under section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

Our Mission

To create lasting solutions to poverty, hunger, and social injustice”. “To serve individuals and families in the poorest communities in the world”. “To work with communities to end hunger and poverty and care for the Earth

To endorse the human rights and in particular the rights of the children and young people as well as the rights of underprivileged groups and communities; To encourage and popularise voluntary work.

Our Objectives

To fight against exploitation and injustice if found against any individual, class, community in the society.
To create the means for providing medical assistance to the people suffering from diseases, especially for helpless people.
To provide help under health & nutrition services for women and children.
To establish library and reading rooms in needy communities.
To create Training/education centre and health centre.
To organise forums, seminars, camps etc for spreading good living habits, moral values and methods of developing self confidence etc and to create centres for the above activities.
To provide free legal advice to poor people.
To educate people against taking drugs and Alcohol.
To arrange land, building and other facilities for running school/college institution/Library etc.
To raise funds through collection, donation or subscription and other means and invest money or incur expenditure in such manner as shall promote the attainment of aims and objectives of Zero Foundation Ngo.
To undertake any other work or assignment which may be for the general welfare of the people.